AGX Dynamics
No Matches
agxPowerLine Namespace Reference

agxPowerLine contains a collection of connected components that transport power across a system. More...


namespace  detail


class  AbstractPowerLineTraverser
 Base class for all power line traversers. More...
class  Actuator
class  Actuator1DOF
 An Actuator that operates on Constraint1DOF constraints. More...
class  ActuatorBodyUnit
 An ActuatorBodyUnit forms a connection between the power line world and the rest of the simulation. More...
class  ActuatorConnector
class  ActuatorConstraintImplementation
class  ActuatorDimension
class  ActuatorRotationalDimension
class  ActuatorTranslationalDimension
class  Connection
class  ConnectionIterator
 Iterator that iterates over all, both input and output, connections that have a non-null Connector. More...
class  Connector
 Links two connections together. More...
class  Constraint1DOFGeometry
 ConstraintGeometry for 1-DOF constraints. More...
class  ConstraintGeometry
 Description of how an Actuator is allowed to apply forces and torques on the body or bodies attached to the actuated constraint. More...
class  ControllerConstraintGeometry
 ConstraintGeometry for any type of constraint that has a BasicControllerConstraint along the axis that the Actutar should operate. More...
class  DotGraphWriter
class  ElementaryActuatorConstraint
class  ElementaryGearConstraint
 An elementary gear constraint constrains the velocity of the rotational dimensions of a number bodies. More...
class  ElementaryHolonomicGearConstraint
 An elementary gear constraint constrains the velocity of the rotational dimensions of a number bodies. More...
class  ElementaryPhysicalDimensionConstraint
 Pure virtual function. More...
class  ElementaryPhysicalDimensionMultiBodyConstraint
 Elementary constraint for constraining an arbitrary number of ONE specific PhysicalDimension::Type. More...
class  ElementaryTranslationalConstraint
class  GearConstraintImplementation
 Constraint implementation that constrains the velocity of the rotational dimensions of a number bodies. More...
class  HolonomicGearConstraintImplementation
 Constraint implementation that constrains the velocity of the rotational dimensions of a number bodies. More...
class  LinearLookupTable
 Linear interpolation between the inserted variable/value pairs. More...
class  LookupTable
 Return a value of y given any value of x. More...
class  PhysicalDimension
 Pure virtual class. More...
class  PhysicalDimensionIterator
 Iterator that iterates over the non-null PhysicalDimensions of a Unit. More...
class  PhysicalDimensionMultiBodyConstraintImplementation
 Constraint implementation for constraining a number of physical dimensions of the same type. More...
class  PowerGenerator
 Will generate power by adding a load to a physical dimension. More...
class  PowerLine
 PowerLine is the base class for a system of power transfer integrated into the rigid body simulation. More...
class  PowerLineCallbackTraverser
 Traverser that calls a user supplied callback in its 'visit' methods. More...
class  PowerLineCollector
 PowerLineTraverser that stores the nodes it visits. More...
class  PowerLineConstTraverser
 Template specialization for const traversal. More...
class  PowerLineController
 Each type of physical dimension handled by the power line has to have a unique name. More...
class  PowerLinesHandler
 A PowerLinesHandler is a collection of PowerLines that are part of the same agxSDK::Simulation. More...
class  PowerLineTraverser
 Template specialization for non-const traversal. More...
class  PowerTimeIntegralLookupTable
 A lookup table used for power time integral (torque for rotational power, force for translational power) More...
class  RotationalActuator
class  RotationalConnector
 Defines a stiff gear constraint between two rotational dimensions. More...
class  RotationalDimension
 The rotational has one rotational degree of freedom. More...
class  RotationalTranslationalConnector
 Constrains a rotational degree of freedom with a translational degree of freedom with a non-holonomic constraint. More...
class  RotationalTranslationalHolonomicConnector
 This class can be used to connect the position of a rotational and a positional unit. More...
class  RotationalUnit
 A rotational unit has one degree of freedom. More...
class  SlotMapper
 The SlotMapper is reponsible for mapping one dimensional dimension states to slots in the RigidBodies. More...
class  StepEventDotGraphWriter
 A StepEventListener that writes a power graph in the LAST event. More...
class  SubGraph
class  TorqueGenerator
 A torque generator adds torque to the body of a rotational dimension. More...
class  TranslationalActuator
class  TranslationalConstraintImplementation
class  TranslationalUnit
class  Unit
 Pure virtual class. More...
class  WireWinchActuator
 This actuator can be used to connect a Winch (which is a linear constraint) to a powerline for example a rotating shaft. More...


typedef agx::observer_ptr< const Actuator1DOFActuator1DOFConstObserver
typedef agx::ref_ptr< const Actuator1DOFActuator1DOFConstRef
typedef agx::observer_ptr< Actuator1DOFActuator1DOFObserver
typedef agx::ref_ptr< Actuator1DOFActuator1DOFRef
typedef agx::ref_ptr< ActuatorBodyUnitActuatorBodyUnitRef
typedef agx::observer_ptr< const ActuatorConnectorActuatorConnectorConstObserver
typedef agx::ref_ptr< const ActuatorConnectorActuatorConnectorConstRef
typedef agx::observer_ptr< ActuatorConnectorActuatorConnectorObserver
typedef agx::ref_ptr< ActuatorConnectorActuatorConnectorRef
typedef agx::observer_ptr< const ActuatorActuatorConstObserver
typedef agx::ref_ptr< const ActuatorActuatorConstRef
typedef agx::observer_ptr< ActuatorActuatorObserver
typedef agx::ref_ptr< ActuatorActuatorRef
typedef ConnectionConnectionPtr
typedef agx::Vector< ConnectionPtrConnectionPtrVector
typedef agx::ref_ptr< ConnectionConnectionRef
typedef agx::Vector< ConnectionRefConnectionRefVector
typedef agx::HashVector< agxPowerLine::Connector *, bool > ConnectorBoolHashVector
typedef agx::observer_ptr< ConnectorConnectorObserver
typedef agx::Vector< ConnectorObserverConnectorObserverVector
typedef agx::SetVector< Connector * > ConnectorPtrSetVector
typedef agx::Vector< Connector * > ConnectorPtrVector
typedef agx::ref_ptr< ConnectorConnectorRef
typedef agx::SetVector< ConnectorRefConnectorRefSet
typedef agx::Vector< ConnectorRefConnectorRefVector
typedef const PhysicalDimensionRef ConstPhysicalDimensionRef
typedef agx::Vector< ConstPhysicalDimensionRefConstPhysicalDimensionRefVector
typedef agx::observer_ptr< const ConstraintGeometryConstraintGeometryConstObserver
typedef agx::ref_ptr< const ConstraintGeometryConstraintGeometryConstRef
typedef agx::observer_ptr< ConstraintGeometryConstraintGeometryObserver
typedef agx::ref_ptr< ConstraintGeometryConstraintGeometryRef
typedef std::pair< agxPowerLine::PhysicalDimension *, agxPowerLine::SideDimensionAndSide
typedef agx::Vector< std::pair< agxPowerLine::PhysicalDimension *, agxPowerLine::Side > > DimensionSideVector
typedef agx::Vector< PhysicalDimension::TypeDimensionTypeVector
typedef agx::observer_ptr< const DotGraphWriterDotGraphWriterConstObserver
typedef agx::ref_ptr< const DotGraphWriterDotGraphWriterConstRef
typedef agx::observer_ptr< DotGraphWriterDotGraphWriterObserver
typedef agx::ref_ptr< DotGraphWriterDotGraphWriterRef
typedef agx::ref_ptr< ElementaryGearConstraintGearConstraintRef
typedef agx::ref_ptr< ElementaryHolonomicGearConstraintHolonomicGearConstraintRef
typedef agx::ref_ptr< LinearLookupTableLinearLookupTableRef
typedef agx::ref_ptr< LookupTableLookupTableRef
typedef agx::HashVector< PhysicalDimension *, int > PhysicalDimensionPtrIntTable
typedef agx::SetVector< PhysicalDimension * > PhysicalDimensionPtrSetVector
typedef agx::Vector< PhysicalDimension * > PhysicalDimensionPtrVector
typedef agx::ref_ptr< PhysicalDimensionPhysicalDimensionRef
typedef agx::Vector< PhysicalDimensionRefPhysicalDimensionRefVector
typedef agx::observer_ptr< PowerGeneratorPowerGeneratorObserver
typedef agx::ref_ptr< PowerGeneratorPowerGeneratorRef
typedef agx::observer_ptr< PowerLinePowerLineObsPtr
typedef agx::VectorPOD< PowerLine * > PowerLinePtrVector
using PowerLineRef = agx::ref_ptr< PowerLine >
using PowerLineRefVector = agx::Vector< PowerLineRef >
typedef agx::ref_ptr< PowerLinesHandlerPowerLinesHandlerRef
typedef agx::ref_ptr< PowerTimeIntegralLookupTablePowerTimeIntegralLookupTableRef
typedef agx::HashVector< agx::RigidBody *, int > RigidBodyPtrIntHashVector
typedef agx::ref_ptr< RotationalActuatorRotationalActuatorRef
typedef agx::ref_ptr< RotationalConnectorRotationalConnectorRef
typedef agx::observer_ptr< const RotationalDimensionRotationalDimensionConstObserver
typedef agx::ref_ptr< const RotationalDimensionRotationalDimensionConstRef
typedef agx::observer_ptr< RotationalDimensionRotationalDimensionObserver
typedef agx::ref_ptr< RotationalDimensionRotationalDimensionRef
typedef agx::ref_ptr< RotationalTranslationalConnectorRotationalTranslationalConnectorRef
typedef agx::ref_ptr< RotationalTranslationalHolonomicConnectorRotationalTranslationalHolonomicConnectorRef
typedef agx::ref_ptr< RotationalUnitRotationalUnitRef
typedef agx::observer_ptr< const SlotMapperSlotMapperConstObserver
typedef agx::ref_ptr< const SlotMapperSlotMapperConstRef
typedef agx::observer_ptr< SlotMapperSlotMapperObserver
typedef agx::ref_ptr< SlotMapperSlotMapperRef
typedef agx::observer_ptr< const StepEventDotGraphWriterStepEventDotGraphWriterConstObserver
typedef agx::ref_ptr< const StepEventDotGraphWriterStepEventDotGraphWriterConstRef
typedef agx::observer_ptr< StepEventDotGraphWriterStepEventDotGraphWriterObserver
typedef agx::ref_ptr< StepEventDotGraphWriterStepEventDotGraphWriterRef
typedef agx::observer_ptr< const SubGraphSubGraphConstObserver
typedef agx::ref_ptr< const SubGraphSubGraphConstRef
typedef agx::observer_ptr< SubGraphSubGraphObserver
typedef agx::Vector< SubGraphObserverSubGraphObserverVector
typedef agx::VectorPOD< SubGraph * > SubGraphPtrVector
typedef agx::ref_ptr< SubGraphSubGraphRef
typedef agx::Vector< SubGraphRefSubGraphRefVector
typedef agx::HashVector< agxPowerLine::SubGraph *, bool > SubGraphRouterBoolHashVector
typedef agx::ref_ptr< TranslationalActuatorTranslationalActuatorRef
typedef agx::ref_ptr< TranslationalUnitTranslationalUnitRef
typedef agx::SetVector< const Unit * > UnitConstPtrSetVector
typedef agx::observer_ptr< UnitUnitObserver
typedef agx::Vector< agx::observer_ptr< Unit > > UnitObsVector
typedef agx::HashVector< agxPowerLine::Unit *, agxPowerLine::PowerLine * > UnitPtrPowerLinePtrHashVector
typedef agx::SetVector< Unit * > UnitPtrSetVector
typedef agx::Vector< Unit * > UnitPtrVector
using UnitRef = agx::ref_ptr< Unit >
typedef agx::HashVector< UnitRef, bool > UnitRefBoolHashVector
typedef agx::HashSet< UnitRefUnitRefSet
typedef agx::SetVector< UnitRefUnitRefSetVector
using UnitRefVector = agx::Vector< UnitRef >
typedef agx::observer_ptr< const WireWinchActuatorWireWinchActuatorConstObserver
typedef agx::ref_ptr< const WireWinchActuatorWireWinchActuatorConstRef
typedef agx::observer_ptr< WireWinchActuatorWireWinchActuatorObserver
typedef agx::ref_ptr< WireWinchActuatorWireWinchActuatorRef


enum class  DirectionReference { LOCAL , WORLD }
 The DirectionReference specifies what the direction attribute of a DimensionState is relative to. More...
 Enumeration listing the types of nodes that the PowerLineTraversers can visit. More...
enum  Side { INPUT , OUTPUT , NO_SIDE }


AGXMODEL_EXPORT agx::RigidBodycreateDimensionBody (const agx::Name &name)
AGXMODEL_EXPORT agxPowerLine::Side facing (agxPowerLine::Side side)
AGXMODEL_EXPORT void getConnectedSides (agxPowerLine::Unit *unit, agxPowerLine::Connector *connector, agxPowerLine::Side &unitSide, agxPowerLine::Side &connectorSide)
AGXMODEL_EXPORT agxPowerLine::PhysicalDimension::Type getDimensionType (const std::string &dimensionName)
AGXMODEL_EXPORT bool isValidSide (agxPowerLine::Side side, bool allowNoSide=false)
template<typename UnitPtr >
PhysicalDimensionIterator< UnitPtr > iterateDimensions (UnitPtr unit)
GraphNodeTypes operator| (GraphNodeTypes lhs, GraphNodeTypes rhs)
AGXMODEL_EXPORT agxPowerLine::Side opposite (agxPowerLine::Side side)

Detailed Description

agxPowerLine contains a collection of connected components that transport power across a system.

Typedef Documentation

◆ Actuator1DOFConstObserver

◆ Actuator1DOFConstRef

Definition at line 267 of file Actuator1DOF.h.

◆ Actuator1DOFObserver

◆ Actuator1DOFRef

◆ ActuatorBodyUnitRef

◆ ActuatorConnectorConstObserver

◆ ActuatorConnectorConstRef

◆ ActuatorConnectorObserver

◆ ActuatorConnectorRef

◆ ActuatorConstObserver

Definition at line 44 of file Actuator.h.

◆ ActuatorConstRef

Definition at line 44 of file Actuator.h.

◆ ActuatorObserver

Definition at line 44 of file Actuator.h.

◆ ActuatorRef

Definition at line 44 of file Actuator.h.

◆ ConnectionPtr

Definition at line 72 of file PhysicalDimension.h.

◆ ConnectionPtrVector

◆ ConnectionRef

◆ ConnectionRefVector

◆ ConnectorBoolHashVector

◆ ConnectorObserver

◆ ConnectorObserverVector

◆ ConnectorPtrSetVector

◆ ConnectorPtrVector

Definition at line 402 of file Connector.h.

◆ ConnectorRef

Definition at line 405 of file Connector.h.

◆ ConnectorRefSet

◆ ConnectorRefVector

◆ ConstPhysicalDimensionRef

◆ ConstPhysicalDimensionRefVector

◆ ConstraintGeometryConstObserver

◆ ConstraintGeometryConstRef

◆ ConstraintGeometryObserver

◆ ConstraintGeometryRef

◆ DimensionAndSide

◆ DimensionSideVector

◆ DimensionTypeVector

◆ DotGraphWriterConstObserver

◆ DotGraphWriterConstRef

◆ DotGraphWriterObserver

◆ DotGraphWriterRef

◆ GearConstraintRef

◆ HolonomicGearConstraintRef

◆ LinearLookupTableRef

◆ LookupTableRef

◆ PhysicalDimensionPtrIntTable

◆ PhysicalDimensionPtrSetVector

◆ PhysicalDimensionPtrVector

◆ PhysicalDimensionRef

◆ PhysicalDimensionRefVector

◆ PowerGeneratorObserver

◆ PowerGeneratorRef

◆ PowerLineObsPtr

◆ PowerLinePtrVector

Definition at line 64 of file PowerLine.h.

◆ PowerLineRef

Definition at line 67 of file InverseDynamics.h.

◆ PowerLineRefVector

◆ PowerLinesHandlerRef

◆ PowerTimeIntegralLookupTableRef

◆ RigidBodyPtrIntHashVector

◆ RotationalActuatorRef

◆ RotationalConnectorRef

◆ RotationalDimensionConstObserver

◆ RotationalDimensionConstRef

◆ RotationalDimensionObserver

◆ RotationalDimensionRef

◆ RotationalTranslationalConnectorRef

◆ RotationalTranslationalHolonomicConnectorRef

◆ RotationalUnitRef

◆ SlotMapperConstObserver

◆ SlotMapperConstRef

Definition at line 117 of file SlotMapper.h.

◆ SlotMapperObserver

◆ SlotMapperRef

Definition at line 117 of file SlotMapper.h.

◆ StepEventDotGraphWriterConstObserver

◆ StepEventDotGraphWriterConstRef

◆ StepEventDotGraphWriterObserver

◆ StepEventDotGraphWriterRef

◆ SubGraphConstObserver

Definition at line 53 of file SubGraph.h.

◆ SubGraphConstRef

Definition at line 53 of file SubGraph.h.

◆ SubGraphObserver

Definition at line 53 of file SubGraph.h.

◆ SubGraphObserverVector

◆ SubGraphPtrVector

Definition at line 54 of file SubGraph.h.

◆ SubGraphRef

Definition at line 53 of file SubGraph.h.

◆ SubGraphRefVector

Definition at line 54 of file SubGraph.h.

◆ SubGraphRouterBoolHashVector

◆ TranslationalActuatorRef

◆ TranslationalUnitRef

◆ UnitConstPtrSetVector

Definition at line 42 of file Connector.h.

◆ UnitObserver

◆ UnitObsVector

Definition at line 57 of file Unit.h.

◆ UnitPtrPowerLinePtrHashVector

◆ UnitPtrSetVector

Definition at line 41 of file Connector.h.

◆ UnitPtrVector

Definition at line 74 of file PhysicalDimension.h.

◆ UnitRef

Definition at line 63 of file InverseDynamics.h.

◆ UnitRefBoolHashVector

◆ UnitRefSet

Definition at line 60 of file Unit.h.

◆ UnitRefSetVector

Definition at line 61 of file Unit.h.

◆ UnitRefVector

Definition at line 64 of file InverseDynamics.h.

◆ WireWinchActuatorConstObserver

◆ WireWinchActuatorConstRef

◆ WireWinchActuatorObserver

◆ WireWinchActuatorRef

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ DirectionReference

The DirectionReference specifies what the direction attribute of a DimensionState is relative to.


Definition at line 27 of file DirectionReference.h.

◆ GraphNodeTypes

Enumeration listing the types of nodes that the PowerLineTraversers can visit.

Represents a bit-field, so values may be or:ed together.


Definition at line 32 of file PowerLineTraverser.h.

◆ Side


Definition at line 30 of file Sides.h.

Function Documentation

◆ createDimensionBody()

AGXMODEL_EXPORT agx::RigidBody * agxPowerLine::createDimensionBody ( const agx::Name name)

◆ facing()

AGXMODEL_EXPORT agxPowerLine::Side agxPowerLine::facing ( agxPowerLine::Side  side)

◆ getConnectedSides()

AGXMODEL_EXPORT void agxPowerLine::getConnectedSides ( agxPowerLine::Unit unit,
agxPowerLine::Connector connector,
agxPowerLine::Side unitSide,
agxPowerLine::Side connectorSide 

◆ getDimensionType()

AGXMODEL_EXPORT agxPowerLine::PhysicalDimension::Type agxPowerLine::getDimensionType ( const std::string &  dimensionName)

◆ isValidSide()

AGXMODEL_EXPORT bool agxPowerLine::isValidSide ( agxPowerLine::Side  side,
bool  allowNoSide = false 

◆ iterateDimensions()

template<typename UnitPtr >
PhysicalDimensionIterator< UnitPtr > agxPowerLine::iterateDimensions ( UnitPtr  unit)

◆ operator|()

GraphNodeTypes agxPowerLine::operator| ( GraphNodeTypes  lhs,
GraphNodeTypes  rhs 

Definition at line 40 of file PowerLineTraverser.h.

◆ opposite()

AGXMODEL_EXPORT agxPowerLine::Side agxPowerLine::opposite ( agxPowerLine::Side  side)