Scientific Articles, Reports & Theses
List of Publications
Select tag “Algoryx” for publications affiliated with Algoryx, or “External” for external publications that use or cite Algoryx software.
2006 |
Lacoursière, Claude: A regularized time stepper for multibody systems. Department of Computing Science, Umeå University, 2006. (Type: Book | BibTeX | Tags: Algoryx)@book{lacoursiere2006regularized, | |
Servin, Martin; Lacoursière, Claude; Melin, Niklas: Interactive simulation of elastic deformable materials. In: SIGRAD 2006. The Annual SIGRAD Conference; Special Theme: Computer Games, Linköping University Electronic Press 2006. (Type: Proceedings Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Algoryx)@inproceedings{servin2006interactive, A novel; fast; stable; physics-based numerical method for interactive simulation of elastically deformable objects is presented. Starting from elasticity theory; the deformation energy is modeled in terms of the positions of point masses using the linear shape functions of finite element analysis; providing for an exact correspondence between the known physical properties of deformable bodies such as Young’s modulus; and the simulation parameter. By treating the infinitely stiff case as a kinematic constraint on a system of point particles and using a regularization technique; a stable first order stepping algorithm is constructed which allows the simulation of materials over the entire range of stiffness values; including incompressibility. The main cost of this method is the solution of a linear system of equations which is large but sparse. Commonly available sparse matrix packages can process this problem with linear complexity in the number of elements for many cases. This method is contrasted with other well-known point mass models of deformable solids which rely on penalty forces constructed from simple local geometric quantities; e.g.; spring-and-damper models. For these; the mapping between the simulation parameters and the physical observables is not well defined and they are either strongly limited to the low stiffness case when using explicit integration methods; or produce grossly inaccurate results when using simple linearly implicit method. Validation and timing tests on the new method show that it produces very good physical behavior at a moderate computational cost; and it is usable in the context of real-time interactive simulations. | |
2005 |
Backman, Anders: Colosseum3D-Authoring framework for Virtual Environments.. In: IPT/EGVE, pp. 225–226, Citeseer 2005. (Type: Proceedings Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Algoryx)@inproceedings{backman2005colosseum3d, This paper describes an authoring environment for real time 3D environments, Colosseum3D. The framework makes it possible to easily create rich virtual environments with rigid-body dynamics, 3D rendering using OpenGL Shaders, 3D sound and human avatars. The creative process of building com- plex simulators is supported by allowing several authoring paths such as a low level C++ API, an ex- pressive high level file format and a scripting layer. To exemplify the use of the framework, an immersive wheelchair simulator application is presented. A natural and intuitive interaction method is implemented using dynamic simulation. | |
2003 |
Lacoursière, Claude: Splitting methods for dry frictional contact problems in rigid multibody systems: Preliminary performance results. In: The Annual SIGRAD Conference. Special Theme-Real-Time Simulations. Conference Proceedings from SIGRAD2003, pp. 11–16, Linköping University Electronic Press 2003. (Type: Proceedings Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Algoryx)@inproceedings{lacoursiere2003splitting, A splitting method for solving LCP based models of dry frictional contact problems in rigid multibody systems based on box MLCP solver is presented. Since such methods rely on fast and robust box MLCP solvers; several methods are reviewed and their performance is compared both on random problems and on simulation data. We provide data illustrating the convergence rate of the splitting method which demonstrates that they present a viable alternative to currently available methods. |