Design to keep it moving

Deeply integrated non-smooth MBD+DEM: that’s the name of the game. The result is superior accuracy, stability and performance, often 100-1000x speed improvements when compared to other techniques involving loosely coupled components.

Algoryx Momentum Granular assists mechanical engineers in delivering sound, novel solutions to difficult problems. They can progress seamlessly from CAD to simulation to analysis, then moving with confidence to production.

Mining, earth-moving, pharmaceutical and other industries require efficient material flow. With strong interactions between complex machines and bulk material, simulations are needed to optimize work flow yielding immense benefits.
Increase production and quality
How long will your equipment be reliable? And how long does it take before equipment needs maintenance? What are the resulting costs?
Production interruptions cost money, and energy efficiency is fundamental.
The mining industry is full challenges. When handling rocks and ore in everything from conveyor systems to vehicles, equipment needs to function reliably. Predicting wear and tear and performance in a process is necessary. Optimizing material flow rate and efficiency leads to significant savings. Algoryx helps mining operators finding solutions to tough problems with a simulation driven design process, reducing needs for physical prototyping, providing X-ray vision to locate and fix bugs well ahead of time.

Machines and bulk materials interplay dynamically
AGX Dynamics provides mining engineers with the tools to perform bulk material flow simulation needed during the designing of handling processes and machinery. Virtual prototyping reduces testing costs and development times. Simulations can give engineers important insights in how design decision will affect the performance of their process, that are otherwise hard or almost impossible to obtain. This allows them to predict and avoid bad designs and finally deploy reliable and optimized equipment that reduces overall system wear and production downtime.

For who?
Engineer machines and processes
If you engineer machines and industrial processes visit Momentum Granular
Training simulators & software integration
If you integrate physics capabilities in other software, build digital twins, train AI, implement AR/VR applications or produce training simulators, then visit AGX Dynamics

Why Algoryx Solutions?
- Capture the entire dynamical system – Machine, granules, control system, sensors, power systems etc.
- Engineer system performance, power consumption, fatigue life, reliability etc. – The qualities of your product
- Facilitate real-time, or faster, training simulators for human and Artificial Intelligence operators.