Algoryx is a new member of euRobotics

The euRobotics association has over 250 members from Industry and Academia. Algoryx Simulation is now one of them.

The euRobotics Association ties together the European robotics industry and research landscape. Algoryx joins this network to develop new and deepened collaborations – in particular around robot autonomy through physics-informed AI. 

euRobotics is an association for European robotics stakeholders with over 250 members from Industry and Academia.

As the main organizer behind the European Robotics Week and the European Robotics Forum, euRobotics plays a crucial role in boosting European robotics research, development and innovation, and fostering a positive perception of robotics.

euRobotics is also hosting more than thirty Topic Groups where researchers, engineers, and entrepreneurs collaborate to break new ground in robotics.

“Feels like coming home”

For many years, Algoryx has been developing simulation software and digital twins for robotics. 

”But from the European perspective, we have perhaps operated a bit under the radar”, reflects Algoryx CEO Kenneth Bodin.
”Joining euRobotics feels like coming home and we look forward to being an active partner in the European community” he adds.

Algoryx Simulation is reaching out for partners and joint projects, with a particular interest in robot autonomy through physics-informed AI.

For this, we’re also developing a new open modeling language, BRICK.

Looking forward, Algoryx is hoping to continue this work in collaboration with other euRobotics members.  ◼️